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Visit Task

A Visit Task refers to a specific set of responsibilities and activities performed by a healthcare professional during a patient's home visit.

Note: All Fields marked with * are mandatory and must be filled out, otherwise the system will generate an error indicating that the required information is missing.

Adding Visit Task

Settings >> Visit Task >> +Add option


The user can update the task details in the required fields and Click Save option.


Editing Visit Task

Settings >> Visit Task >> List


Select the task from the list using the checkbox and Click Edit option on the right side of the screen.


Now, Edit the required information and Click Update option.


Delete Visit Task

Settings >> Visit Task >> List

Select the Visit Task from list using the check box and click Delete or Disable Selected option in the screen.


Now, the Visit Task gets deleted and we can view the Visit Task under Deleted list.


The user can also Activate the deleted Visit Task by using the option Active on the right side of the screen.


Clone Task

Settings >> Visit Task >> List

The user can create the same Visit Task details for different service code by using the option Clone Task.

Select the Visit Task and click Clone Task on the screen.


Now, the clone task screen appears. Select the Target service from the List and click Clone option.


Now the new Visit task is created with Service name Respite Care in the List.
